Harvest Thargoid Materials for Anti-Titan Project

Harvest Thargoid Materials for Anti-Titan Project

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*

Aegis is urgently requesting deliveries of Thargoid spire site materials to Professor Ishmael Palin in the Arque system.

The alien minerals are needed for vital research based on a new theory by the engineer Ram Tah. His research has suggested a method of defeating the Thargoid Titans, although details of the proposal remain classified by Aegis.

Professor Palin, the leading expert in Thargoid biotechnology, explained the initiative:

“I am confident that Ram Tah's theory holds water, and we are working together on its practical applications. There are no guarantees as yet, but we could be on the cusp of developing a weapon with which to engage the Titans.”

“However, such a weapon must be able to function within the Maelstroms’ electromagnetic fields, which disrupt all Guardian-based technology. I am developing a resistant armour using the organic compounds produced by Thargoid spire sites.”

Aegis has cautioned pilots that operating within the spire sites is highly dangerous, and that they are likely to encounter Thargoid vessels as well as defensive drones. Anti-xeno strategist Aden Tanner commented:

“I won’t pretend to understand all the science behind Ram Tah and Palin’s work. But what little I’ve seen made me feel something very rare these days: hope. There’s never been a more crucial time for everyone to rally together, and perhaps help us achieve the impossible.”

Deliveries of coral sap, impure spire minerals and semi-refined spire minerals can be made at Austen Town Station in the Arque system.

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