Discovery Scanner - 13/03/2023

Discovery Scanner - 13/03/2023

Greetings Commanders,

Welcome to another week in the Elite Dangerous Galaxy.

As always, we hope you had a wonderful weekend just passed and wish you all the best in your onward adventures! 


[Screenshot: CMDR Nudl  | Elite Dangerous Forum]



Along with the routine, maintenance 'tick' this Thursday, we will be applying balancing adjustments to values in relation to Thargoid War activity, to better reflect recent player actions and feedback.

We'll be posting details on these adjustments prior to their deployment, over on the Elite Dangerous Forums.

Keep an eye on our social channels and of course, the Forum news section for when that information lands.


To repeat statements of reassurance from last week:


There's nothing further to add today, following recent insight into the target window for release being the end of April. This still remains as the primary objective o7


The reopening of the 'Console Copy Portal', for those wishing to bring their console Commanders across to PC, remains an open goal. There is no news as yet on an expected date for reopening, but we will be in touch as soon as we know more.

Keep an eye on the official Elite Dangerous Forums and our social channels for any ad hoc game news updates that may arise, throughout the course of the forthcoming week ahead.


Revisit Frameshift Live #27 With The AXI

Arthur and Sally were joined by special community guests last week, for a 'fly along' with the Anti-Xeno Initiative.

If you missed it, you can catch up here:

"The Anti-Xeno Initiative is an Elite:Dangerous player-group dedicated to protecting humanity from the Thargoid threat. We defend systems targeted by the vile xenos, study their technology and behavior, and perfect our battle tactics..." - The AXI | Anti-Xeno Initiative.

As a reminder, Frameshift Live is brought to your every fortnight, with the next broadcast scheduled for Thursday, March 23 at 16:00 UTC, over on the official Elite Dangerous Twitch or YouTube channels.



Once again we'd like to celebrate last week's Stellar Screenshot winners with you all if you missed the chance to find out via last week's stream or our social share.

Head on over to the following video to view, but let's take the opportunity to call out the full list of winners here and now:

Jett Reno
Mathias Shallowgrave

Submit your in game captures using #StellarScreenshots over on Twitter, Facebook and as part of the official Elite Dangerous Stellar Screenshots thread.

All winners picked will receive a special prize paintjob for their efforts and will have their winning captures shared on our Frameshift Live livestream if chosen within the same week.


Independent Explorers Association

A brand new adventure awaits with the 'Independent Explorers Association' soon, named 'Izanami Land of Dreams', and to further announce its launch, the Official Account of the Independent Explorers Association over on Twitter, released this incredible promotional poster last week!

To quote the IEA:

"We are pleased to inform that we will be starting a new adventure soon: Izanami Land of Dreams. Join us in this new adventures to discover the wonders of Odyssey. Starting 26/30 April"

The Galactic Exploration Catalog will also be supporting this exciting journey of discoveries - we really can't wait for this!

To know more and join in, head on over to the official 'Independent Explorers Association' Discord at: 

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Sidewinder Syndicate

Commander Gadnok - Explorer, Galactic Cataloguer, Bounty Hunter & AX Combat Pilot shared a brand new Squadron Promo showcase over on social last week for the Sidewinder Syndicate.

To quote: "Join an Elite Dangerous Squadron today Commander, for the funny... Sidewinder Syndicate?"

Between discoveries, exploration, PVP and expeditions (As well as 'That Richard Guy'...), it looks like a lot of fun with great sense of comradery for sure.

To get involved and meet the group, the official 'Sidewinder Syndicate' Discord can be found here -

That just about, once again, wraps things up for this week's Discovery Scanner, Commanders!

Wishing you and all a great week ahead.

We'll be in touch with any news and updates in the days ahead as any arise for you.


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