Update Notes

Update Notes

  • (18 March 2025)
  • (5 March 2025)
  • - Trailblazers (26 February 2025)
  • - Cobra Mk V (12 December 2024)
  • (28 November 2024)
  • (21 November 2024)

Update Notes - 19.01

Greetings Commanders,

Powerplay 2.0 has been out for a few weeks now and we are really grateful for all the feedback and reported issues you have shared.

Our intent with our balancing is to ensure a diversity of gameplay activities are viable within Powerplay 2.0, and that no activity feels significantly weaker than any other. We are continually closely monitoring for any activities which could be disproportionally more advantageous to undertake than any other, potentially creating a meta that players feel forced to play in order to rank up or participate in the conflict.

Following prevention of several exploits we will now be in a position to improve balance on the overall experience of Powerplay 2.0. We will be closely looking into:

  • Significantly reducing the amount of time/effort required to earn early modules
  • Significantly reducing the amount of time/effort required to increase ranks

Powerplay 2.0

  • Fixed an exploit where Powerplay Data could be downloaded multiple times from the same Data Port (Issue ID: 67329)
  • Aisling Duval's Powerplay systems now correctly flag Imperial Slaves & Narcotics as illegal. Crime does not pay.
  • Archon Delain Powerplay systems now correctly open Black Markets if they are not already present. OK...here crime might pay.
  • Pranav Antal now closes Black Markets in Fortified/Stronghold systems.
  • Merit awards for destroying Ship Launched Fighters have been reduced.


  • Adjustments made to Flight Tutorial combat drones reducing their damage output.
  • Type-8's collision has been adjusted so that the "arms" now have correct collision.

Galaxy Map

  • Resolved a crash when using VR Power Play strategic view on Galaxy map
  • Filters on the Galaxy Map are no longer auto selected when you hover your mouse over them

Thank you for all your continued feedback and reports!

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