Powerplay 2.0 Q&A
Greetings Commanders,Thank you to everyone who sent in their Powerplay 2.0 questions! We spoke with our Game Designer Curtis Griffiths to answer some of your qu...
Greetings Commanders,
Powerplay 2.0 has been out for a few weeks now and we are really grateful for all the feedback and reported issues you have shared.
Our intent with our balancing is to ensure a diversity of gameplay activities are viable within Powerplay 2.0, and that no activity feels significantly weaker than any other. We are continually closely monitoring for any activities which could be disproportionally more advantageous to undertake than any other, potentially creating a meta that players feel forced to play in order to rank up or participate in the conflict.
Following prevention of several exploits we will now be in a position to improve balance on the overall experience of Powerplay 2.0. We will be closely looking into:
Update Notes:
Thank you for all your continued feedback and reports!
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